Please copy and fill out the following information into an email and send it to to request an appraisal. Carson’s Appraisals will contact you to set up
your appraisal within 24 hours of submitting your request.
Introduction (please include all info):
Date Requested (mm/dd/yyyy):
Loan Type (FHA or Conventional):
FHA Case Number:
Property Full Address (Street, City):
Borrower's Name:
What is the purpose for this appraisal? (please select one choice):
Sales? Please share Sales Price:
Refinance? Please share Estimated Home Value:
Estate Purposes? Please share Date of Death (mm/dd/yyyy):
Divorce? Please state yes if appraisal is for divorce purposes.
Other? Please state yes if appraisal is for some other purpose.
Requestor Information (please include all info):
Company Name:
Full Address (Street, City, State, Zip):
Phone Number (ie. 111-111-1111):
Fax (ie. 111-111-1111):
Loan Officer:
E-mail Address:
Secondary E-mail Address (this address will be cc'd on all correspondence):
Would you prefer to receive the appraisal by e-mail in PDF format? (Yes/No):
Structure Type (please select one choice):
- Single Family
- Duplex
- Triplex
- Fourplex
- Halfplex
- Condominium
- Manufactured Home
Appraisal Type (please select one choice):
- Full Appraisal
- 2055 Exterior
- 2075
- 203K
- Desk Review
- Field Review
- Vacant Land
- Other (If "Other", what type?)
1007 Rent Survey? (Yes/No):
216 Operating Income Statement? (Yes/No):
Finalization (please include all info):
Appraisal Fee to be paid by (choose either "C.O.D." or "Lender"):
Please note: If C.O.D., the appraisal will be released after appraiser receives fee.
Whom should we contact to set an appointment?:
How can we contact them? (Work, Home, Cell; ie. 111-111-1111):
Any Remaining Special Instructions?:
Thank you for your interest. Again, please copy and fill out the above information into an email and send it to to request an appraisal. Carson’s Appraisals will contact you to set up
your appraisal within 24 hours of submitting your request.